Friday, November 4, 2011

Favorite painter

We did Graphic Designer presentations and it made me want to share my favorite painter and the person that influenced me into art and the type of painting that I love to do. Her name is Georgia O'Keeffe. Her flowers are just so beautiful with so many colors to create one flower. It makes you realize there are so many colors in the world other then the basic colors.
I just love looking at her work and getting lost in the colors of the flowers and how up close they are.

Few more day

 Coming this Wednesday I will be Flying to the Dominican Republic. I do not care for flying all that much but this is my sisters wedding and I kinda have to be there, since I am in the wedding. I can't wait to be in the sun. With the weather up here being cold I want to be able to be warm for once. This is not much of a design but these pictures are the main pictures of Punta Cana. You see these all over the websites.
I will final get to relax. Something that I do not get to do much often. Time off from work and school. But once I come back I will have tons of work that I will have to complete. At least I will have a little bit of time to myself.